Design, Illustration, Reverb

Reverb Iconography Update

The Story

Over the course of Reverb’s lifetime, many designers had touched the company’s iconography, making it fit whatever the current needs were. As such, its iconography became scattered and unfocused. By the end of 2019, the brand had grown past the piecemeal icon system that had changed hands multiple times and needed a mature approach that was balanced, consistent, and filled with character.

For my own peace of mind, and for the overall consistency of the brand, I developed a moodboard to share between the team of designers. We identified three priority symbols and each took the inspiration and brainstormed our individual interpretations. After two rounds of feedback, I then took the progress we had made together and developed the remainder of the icon set in two variations.

The resulting icon set is, first and foremost, formatted for consistency–strokes are all the same weight, halftone pattern is the same consistency, special brand elements carry from icon to icon. With Reverb, it was important to identify a brand element that draws from the music industry. That element, the halftone dot, is reminiscent of gig poster design. Orange is such a commanding brand color, so while the set doesn’t fully embrace it, orange is used as a minimal pop of color in each so they draw attention but not full focus. A light texture to the stroke gives the icons a final, handcrafted touch.

The Team

Art Director: Lynette Sage
Design Team: Sawyer Hildebrandt, Ryan Troy Ford



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